Chill Massages
Routine massages are a small investment in your pets' healthy future. Sessions last generally from 30 to 60-minute long. The massage techniques and duration of each session will be customized to suit your pet's therapeutic needs. Many variables will be taken into consideration, the size of the dog or cat, breed, age, physical limitations, and any other behavioral and health issues.
Please note, during any session, your pet determines how much time and when the therapist is allowed to touch them.

Initial Consultation & Massage
$ 80 + travel fee
(30-minute consult
& 30-minute massage)
This session is about getting to know each other. We'll discuss your pet's medical and behavioral history, a massage plan, and address any questions and concerns you may have.

$ 40 + travel fee
Full-body canine massage sessions tailored specifically for your dog, lasting approximately
30 minutes.

$ 30 + travel fee
Full-body feline massage sessions tailored specifically for your cat, lasting approximately
30 minutes.
* Travel fees will apply to sessions outside of the service area